Payment & Order:
- Our stock varies all the time, we cant guarantee all items are in stock, please contact us to check availability.
- If the item is not in stock, it will take 7-14 days for production. If you cant wait, please do not buy.
- Paypal will be the only payment method to be accepted.
- Shipping is normally carried by USPS, UPS or FEDEX
- Will be properly boxed, packaged, and bubble wrapped.
- We ship to the address from paypal verified address, make sure you are providing the correct address to us. Phone # must be provided.
- If there is lost or un-delivered item due to incorrect address provision, seller wont take any responsibility
- International shipping available. Please email to inquire for a shipping quote.
Damage, Imperfection & Fitment:
- All items are brand new before shipment.
- We do not take any responsibility of damage during shipping transit if item is signed as normal.
- We strongly recommend buyer to inspect the item before delivery man. If there is damage, please DO NOT sign. Reject and return the parcel to delivery man, we will solve this shipping company.
- If buyer has signed the parcel as normal but found the damages, we can offer free repair. Return and re-shipping cost will be paid by buyer.
- We inspect all parts before shipping. If there is any imperfection, please contact us. We will swap a new one to buyer. Clear pics will be required before further action.
- All parts have been test fitted on cars before molding in order to have best fitment, yet we still require buyer to install them with professional body shop that has fiberglass installation experience. Due to handcrafted molding and production, little adjustment, sanding, trimming or cutting might be needed as prepare work.